I loved some of these creative ways to paint and print with found and natural objects from last weeks It’s Playtime!
Paint on the Ceiling showed us how to print with fruit and vegetables– so simple and effective!
Share and Remember describes making art on a large piece of fabric with coloured ice cubes!
Putti Prapancha shows us how to use simple straws to create beautiful flower and star prints!
And Dimples and Giggles reminds us that the best fun of all is wonderful finger painting!
If you were featured please take a badge!
What will YOU share with us this week?
It’s Playtime is a community link-up hosted by:
* Anna : The Imagination Tree
* Rachel : Quirky Momma
* Jamie : hands on : as we grow
* Rachele : Messy Kids
How to play
* Link up a post about a playful experience enjoyed by kids. By linking at one of our sites it will appear on all 5!
* Give us love and pop a button/link into your post/blog. Invite your readers to the weekly play-date!
* Each week the playtime hosts will choose favourite posts to feature. By linking you are giving us permission to use an image and link to you, if featured.
* Be sure to visit some of the links that catch your eye. Commenting on posts that you find interesting or inspiring is a wonderful way to develop your own playful community.
* Please do not link up to worksheets/ printables/ giveaways/ promotions- Thanks!
Chapter Forty says
Thank you for the kind comments on my blog. It helps to know that I am not alone. Being a Mum without your Mum is very difficult and sad, but I suppose there are much worse situations families can be in. In some ways its made me a better Mum, as I often think my Mum is watching over us so I make better choices that she would approve of. Silly really.
Jacqueline says
Oh, wow! I feel honored to be featured among this Playtime community! There are always so many wonderful ideas. Thanks for the wonderful compliment and for doing this link up each week.
Melissa @ The Chocolate Muffin Tree says
Love the colored ice! We need to do this again!,
Rachel says
I just LOVE the posts you chose to feature! We need to try the colored ice!
Airamty says
OOOppppsss I don’t know why my link it’s showing 3 times!!! Sorry about that…Too many great activities to try with the little one….Thanks!
northernmum says
all so simple but yet so hard!
i do love the ice cubes though! will try those – mine will probably come out black!
Anna @ The Imagination Tree says
Haha, NONSENSE! they would not 🙂 Printing with fruit and veggies is REALLy easy and the only obstacle is the paint (if you have mess issues!) do it outside maybe 😉
Stacy@{share and remember} says
Hi Anna, thanks for featuring my ice cube painting! It was so fun. I’m not new to your blog but can’t keep up with following all of them so just saw this now! Following you on Facebook & Twitter now though. Thanks again!
Love and Lollipops says
Sorry, I linked up twice. For some reason I couldn’t access my photo with the first link up, so I linked again. Hope that’s okay? (no. 102 and 103)
Georgia 🙂