As with all sensory tubs, we all immediately loved to scoop, pour and run our hand through the rice (me most definitely included!) It can have such a calming effect and is very therapeutic at the end of a hectic day she the kids are cranky and tired. The girl recognised the butterfly and realised that the items in the tub could be found in the book. They started to tell the story, focusing on their favourite elements (ice cream and cake of course!) and were able to remember the key events in the correct order.
Little Bean loved it too and at first I was hesitant to let her get her hands in it, but after a while there was not stopping her curiosity and she just loved picking handfuls of rice and dropping them again. She only tried to taste it one time but I gently pushed her hand away and said “no”, and after that she tipped and poured with it instead. The next time we got this out to play with, she got right into it and sat down!
What they are learning while they play:
literacy: storytelling from memory, retelling in correct order, sequencing, remembering key elements of a story, using storybook language in play
motor skills: scooping, pouring, tipping, pinching and raking through sensory materials
maths: counting out numbers of objects to match those in a book, problem solving
Cakie: 4.5
Pop: 2.10
Bean: 11 mos
To see dozens of other Playful Literacy ideas click the image!
See our other sensory tubs!
Golden Cinnamon Tub
Flowers and Fairies Tub
Baking Sensory Tub
Patriotic Sensory Tub
Lunar Landscape Sensory Play
Gardening Sensory Tub
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Lisa Cook says
My youngest is 11 months! I never thought I could do a sensory tub with her. How cool. I’m excited to go make a tub & let all the kids play. Great idea! 🙂
Georgia King says
If you wanted to sell a kit for these tubs, I’d buy it! I just dont know how id get hold of all these items without spending a fortune (and where would I find them!) I just dont have a varied toy collection yet as our LO is our first. Would LOVE to do this for the Gruffalo though, as my 20 month old knows it basically off by heart! “The mouse found a NUT and the NUT was GOOD!”
Gemma Mills (mymillsbaby) says
Love it. I did something similar for Dexter the other day but you’ve packed so much more into it than I did. I never thought of using bottle tops for example x
Anna says
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Anna says
Hmmm… I have a 13-month old but haven’t let him in on the sensory fun yet. Maybe it’s time? Way to go, Bean!
PragmaticMom says
What fun! I love the book and toddlers would love your sensory bin! Too bad my kids are too old!
Kylie @ Octavia and Vicky says
Hello! I’ve written a round up of bottle top play and learning ideas and have included this awesome post. I hope that you don’t mind me using one picture and your link. If you’d like me to take it out of the post just give me a shout 🙂 The post will be live on Monday 11 February. Keep up the fabulous work 🙂
margot says
This awesome post is shared on http://www.facebook/com/theworldofericcarle
Roberto says
Fantastic!!! 🙂 We usually do activities sensory and tactile activities in our nursery school.
Sarah says
Hi Anna,
Another wonderful idea that I’ve “borrowed”. We made one to use for our celebration of Eric Carle’s birthday yesterday.
Thanks again for your inspirational posts, Sarah