Make some cup cakes from pink cloud dough as a fun way to retell the popular picture book Pinkalicious!
One of our favourite things to do with stories is to being them to life through pretend play, puppets, story boxes or other creative methods. We combined our love for sensory play with a new idea to colour cloud dough and create some cupcakes, Pinkalicious style!
This time we coloured the dough by adding 2 tablespoons of bright pink powered paint and it instantly transformed into a vibrant play substance! (If you read the seaside cloud dough post you’ll remember I couldn’t get the dough to colour using food colouring. I bought some powdered paints straight after as I was determined for it to work and it does!) We bought our powder paints on eBay but most educational suppliers will carry it too.
The girls set about forming little cakes with their hands and placed them into pink cupcake cases in muffin tins. Incidentally, this is great for sorting, counting, ordering and logical though processing skills!
- literacy: retell stories in thte correct sequence, use storybook language, take on a familiar character and remain in role during play, understand the key elements of a story
- maths: counting, sorting, ordering, pattern making
For more fantastic Pinkalicious ideas check out these pink play dough cupcakes from Juggling with Kids and this whole list of fun learning activities on the same theme to try from Creekside Learning!
Melissa @ The Chocolate Muffin Tree says
Yum! Lovely post. We have a cloud dough post we are yet to post!
Anna @ The Imagination Tree says
Can’t wait to read yours Melissa! We have done more too- now that we can colour it the world is our oyster! so fun
Kelly Wiffin says
They look fantastic! Will have to make similar with my daughter! Have you/are you going to put this on Pinterest so I can add it to my to do (I am forgetful!)
Anna @ The Imagination Tree says
Oh YES, anything on this site is fine for adding to Pinterest! I must make a button that says that! Thank you
Anonymous says
So, do you have any tips for easily getting cloud dough out of hair? My twin 3 year old girls do not play with cloud dough as intended…
Anna @ The Imagination Tree says
hehe, no sorry! And yes, mine don’t always keep it in the tub either. A good shake like getting sand out? I find it pretty much the same consistency
Kim @ The Educators Spin On It says
What a fun idea! I love how pick you were able to get the cloud dough, I guess I need to go purchase some brint pink powdered paint! We’d love for you to share this on our LOVE BOOKS page, a resource for parents of book related activities.
Anna @ The Imagination Tree says
Thank you Kim!
Ali says
Amazing colour, thanks for the tip about powdered paint.
Anna @ The Imagination Tree says
It looks stunning and is so easy to do!
Growing a Jeweled Rose says
Ah yes, I loved the idea of adding powdered paint to cloud dough when I first saw it on Famililcious. We have since made our cloud dough blue and yellow. I love the way the pink turned out here, and how you incorporated a book into the playtime.
Anna @ The Imagination Tree says
I bought these powder paints in January after we failed to colour our beach seaside cloud dough with food colouring! It was so frustrating and I was determined to get it coloured somehow! Someone suggested powdered food colouring (which I’ve never heard of!) and I thought of powder paint. Luckily I found some great suppliers on eBay who have the most amazing range of colours!
What did you turn your coloured dough into? Must come and have a look
Cerys @ Rainy Day Mum says
I’m so glad that the powdered paints worked – I remember all the issues with the food colouring and the sand cloud dough (so glad that J decided ours was to be snow dough!) I still have the link to the ebay seller that you recommended then and will have to hunt out some I have a few other ideas that use poster paints as well.
JDaniel4's Mom says
What pretty cupcakes! At first I thought they were real!
I would love for you to link this post to Read.Explore.Learn.
Anna @ The Imagination Tree says
Ahh if only! And that would be the next logical step, to make and eat some too. Yum
I will come and link, thanks!
lulustudio says
I love your whole web site. I can tell you have put a lot of time in it. Thanks for sharing. I plan to try lots of your ideas!
Anna @ The Imagination Tree says
Ahhh thank you SO much, what a lovely comment 🙂
Growing Book by Book says
What a wonderful idea for a birthday party. Thanks for sharing. I love your blog.
Anna Ranson says
Thanks SO much!
Julie @ Creekside Learning says
Oh, Anna, I love Love LOVE this! I so want to make this cloud dough. Will look for the paints you mentioned. Pinned this to my pinkalicious board. Did you alert Pinkalicious Pinkerton on Pinterest to this? She will pin this on her boards, I’m sure. Perhaps even share on her facebook page. 🙂
Anna Ranson says
Thank you Julie! That means a lot to me as your post was so awesome!
Cat @ The Tactile Child says
Found this post yesterday and immediately made my first batch of cloud dough!!! It is my new favourite material its like dry goop I love it! My wee boy loved it too and we had great fun playing in the garden with it for most of the afternoon I cant wait to get my hands on some chalk to make all different colours and try some theme play like you’ve done here 🙂 thanks for the recipe!
Anna Ranson says
It’s great isn’t it?! Must make some more soon myself!
Anonymous says
We shared this awesome post on 🙂
Anna Ranson says
Thank you SO much!
Anonymous says
Can you please elaborate on your method? I added the powdered paint to the flour and then added the oil, but my paint powder clumped and didn’t incorporate properly so its just white with pink speckles. Fail! Guess not since we played with it anyway, but would like to make some uniform in color next time in lieu of the two tone. Thanks!
Anna Ranson says
Sorry it didn’t work for you! We mixed the flour and oil first, and then added the paint afterwards. I think that would help with the colour disbursement. I hope you try again!
Lana Kristine Flores-Jelenjev says
I blogged about your cloud dough experience at
It surely is a wonderful sensory play isn’t it? 🙂