Make a paper cup penguin craft with this fun roll-and-create game for kids!
We don’t normally do a lot of crafting in our home, focusing instead on open-ended art and creativity. However, around holiday times we all love to create some cute, themed crafts to use as decorations and even gifts to give to others!
Here we combined a paper cup penguin craft with a fun twist, by turning it into game where we rolled a creative dice in order to put it all together! The girls loved this twist and we had to go on to create 3 or 4 more penguins each, using different media each time and the same game rules.
Onto a dip tray I set out the parts needed to make our paper cup penguin craft. These were: pairs of black card wings, orange card beaks, pairs of orange card feet, pairs of googly eyes, the black paper cups for the body and white card feather fronts.
As there were 6 parts, I created a tiny version of each one to go onto the 6 faces of a wooden cube from our construction set, in order to make a create-a-penguin dice! [This dice was their favourite part I think!]
They took it in turns to roll the dice and add each part as they went along. We found it easier to start with the black paper cup before starting to roll the dice, so that they could stick the penguin parts straight on as they went along, using a glue stick.
The resulting paper cup penguins are so cute and are currently on display ready for the beginning of our Christmas decorations! They would be fun to play with too or use in a small world play scene, or to go along with favourite penguin themed story books for story telling.
See our full ARTS & CRAFTS archives here
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Sarah says
Aww! We also don’t do much or really any crafts. My son is just not into it. But inventing a game out it might get him interested! It would be a good way to branch out a little 😉
Dora Czintos says
This is so cute….definitely a must, especially now at winter time!:)