Create a wonderful new family tradition, by making a birthday tree together to mark the occasion!
Last year we began our own family tradition of making birthday trees to celebrate each child’s birthday! I thought, why have a special tree just at Christmas time? Why not make one together for placing presents underneath, decorating and hanging little surprise gifts on the branches on the birthday morning?! [Here is our original tree that we made together for Pop’s 1st birthday and the introduction to the idea.]
Cakie is just about to turn 4, so this week we worked together to make another, collaborative birthday tree project, ready for her big day!
I cut out two large tree shapes from cardboard boxes and cut a slit in each, one from the top down to the middle and the other from the bottom up to the middle. Then I set out a range of papers, feathers, stickers, pencils and glue as an invitation to get creative together in a giant, recycled materials collage!
It was a rainy afternoon and we spent a couple of hours working on it together, covering both sides of each tree with the materials.
When it was covered I slotted the two pieces together and made it stand up. Then the girls started to add stickers all over the branches to finish it off. Working at this angle was even more fun and accessible!
It was declared “all finished” by Cakie, and we stood back to admire our collaborative efforts. Next I made some number 4s on circles of paper which they hung on the branches, along with some salt dough heart decorations that we have had hanging up in our room since we made them at Christmas time! Any presents and cards that have been arriving have been placed straight underneath the tree, ready for her birthday morning.
On the morning of her birthday there will be tiny little packets wrapped up and hanging from the branches. These will be filled with stocking-filler type presents for all of the girls as a way of making sure everyone is included in the excitement on the day! I will add a photo of the surprise parcels hanging from the branches later.
This activity encourages:
- collaboration
- family traditions
- art and creativity on a large scale
- fine motor control through sticking and tearing
Cakie 3.11
Pop 2.6
Bean 6 months
Have you ever made a birthday tree? Or something similar? I would love to hear your birthday traditions too!
Beverley says
Lovely idea! I think we may have to incorporate this as one of our family traditions!
Becca says
I love this. What a great idea. I think we’re going to start doing this as our own family tradition. We have a blended family and it’s nice for the kids to have little traditions that make our big family special.
Gaby says
That is so sweet. I think I might try something like this for my little girl’s birthday. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Anonymous says
Instead of a lot of birthday presents the big gift in our family is an experience, like going on a train ride, going gold panning or horseback riding. As the kids get older they can invite a friend or two.
Zina Harrington says
This is adorable. Love the idea!
Growing a Jeweled Rose says
I can not tell you how much I love this Anna! Just wonderful! x
The Monko says
That is really lovely, I’d seen it on facebook and thought it looked cute but i hadn’t appreciated how big it is, what a brilliant idea, i think i might have to try this with Goblin
Melissa Lemmons says
This is adorable! I think we might have to do this. My oldest turns three in April.
Ann @ The Scrapbooking Housewife says
This is such a great idea! My youngest is turning 4 in a couple of weeks and he was a little upset that the Christmas tree had to be taken down, so I’m thinking he’d really love a birthday tree!! Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂