Make some super-simple, sparkler snacks (say that 10x really fast!) as a tasty treat on Bonfire Night or for for a kids New Year’s Eve party!
This is really fun and easy way to create some edible sparklers for a really special treat. They are so easy that kids can do them completely independently- perfect! With Bonfire Night coming up here in the UK on November 5th, why not get the kids to make these for a little party? Or save the idea for New Years!
You will need:
bread sticks cut in half
white chocolate buttons
yellow shimmer sugar
golden sprinkles/ sugar balls
Melt a large bag of white chocolate buttons either the old fashioned way or by zapping them in the microwave for 20 seconds and stirring through. Lay out the bread sticks, melted chocolate, yellow sugar and sprinkles in a little series of bowls, and invite the kids to start by dipping the end of a stick into the chocolate to cover it. Then use that the dip and pick up the various sprinkles, creating a sparkly effect!
Leave them to set by placing in a glass or cup, or, have a little taste straight away! They’re really really scrummy!
Don’t like the idea of giving sugar and sprinkles as a special treat? How about dipping in chopped up dried apricots instead? Enjoy!
Learning Links:
maths: following a sequence and set order
knowledge and understanding: talk about special events and celebrations and the associated traditions
PSE: understand that we have traditions and how we celebrate these as individuals, familiars and communities, create something independently!
Science: observe the change of states of materials from solid to liquid and then solid again
You may like to see our fireworks spin art paintings too!
Karen says
These are adorable!! My 2 wee rascals will love these – so much safer than the real thing!!!!! I’m making them tomorrow! Thanks for a great idea 🙂