Here is a collection of 15 creative, ocean themed activities for kids to enjoy this summer, with ideas for play, learning, art and cooking!
Summer is officially here in the UK and the weather is truly glorious! We are dreaming of days at the beach, dipping our toes in the sea and collecting shells to make projects with. Over the years we have done lots of ocean themed activities, so I have collected the best ones together into a play collection which will hopefully be quick to reference for your summer play planning!
There are crafts, learning through play activities, sensory fun and a tasty recipe too. Enjoy!
Ocean play dough and natural materials
Ocean sensory bin with frozen rice
Ocean sensory tub with water beads
Ocean seascape with bubblewrap printing
Beach cupcakes with edible sand
Salt dough shell fossil imprints
DIY magnetic counting fish game
Fishing for alphabet sounds game
Symmetrical patterns with seaside loose parts
If you’d like to see more ocean themed activities then follow our Under the Sea board on Pinterest!
Follow Anna @ The Imagination Tree’s board Under the Sea on Pinterest.
Need more ideas for an active and fun summer? Here are 100 BOREDOM BUSTERS to get you started!